Dormitory Regulations for International Students
第一章 总则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一条 为加强我校国际学生管理,切实维护国际学生的合法权益,保障国际学生的生命财产安全,依据《fun88乐体育官网体育学生住宿管理办法》和《fun88乐体育官网体育国际学生管理规定》,特制定本办法。
Article 1 In order to strengthen the management of international students in our university, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of international students, and protect the safety of life and property of international students, these measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant management measures of the university including Student Dormitory Regulations of Hubei Minzu University and Management Regulations of International Students of Hubei Minzu University.
第二条 本办法适用于我校国际学生。
Article 2 These regulations apply to international students of Hubei Minzu University.
第二章 入住管理
Chapter 2 Accommodation Management
第三条 国际学生的住宿,由国际教育学院按照班级集中的原则统一安排;国际学生寝室的调整和分配,由国际教育学院按照学校相关部门要求进行管理。
Article 3 International students' accommodation shall be arranged by the School of International Education according to the principle of class grouping. The adjustment and distribution of international students' dormitories shall be managed by the School of International Education in accordance with the requirements of relevant departments of the school.
Once the dormitory is assigned, it shall not be adjusted without reasonable reasons. In case of special circumstances requiring individual adjustment, international students shall submit a written application to the Student Affairs Office of the School of International Education for approval by the Dean of the School of International Education.
第四条 国际学生办理入住手续时,必须提供合法、有效的护照和签证,并依照《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理条例》到国际教育学院学生科办理住宿登记,住宿期间护照和签证延期、换发或者有其他变更的,必须及时到国际教育学院重新办理住宿登记手续。
Article 4 International students shall provide a valid and legal passport and visa when processing accommodation registration procedures, and shall comply with the "Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners" to register for accommodation at the Student Affairs Office of the School of International Education. If the passport and visa need to be extended, renewed, or changed in any other way, the international students must promptly re-register for accommodation at the School of International Education.
第三章 日常管理
Chapter 3 Daily Management
第五条 国际学生公寓开放时间为每天6:30-23:00,国际学生应当遵守学校作息时间,按时作息,须在开放时间内出寝、归寝,特殊情况在非开放时间进出公寓需在宿舍管理员处登记,不得无故晚归或夜不归宿。
Article 5 The opening hours of the international students' dormitory are from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. every day. International students shall strictly abide by the school's time schedule. They shall leave and return to the dormitory within the open hours, and special cases requiring entry or exit during non-open hours shall be registered at the dormitory supervisor’s office. International students shall not return late or stay out overnight without reasonable reasons.
第六条 国际学生公寓24小时供电,学校根据寝室实际入住人数免费提供水电基础用量,超出部分由国际学生自费承担。国际学生应当节约用水用电,做到人走关水断电,杜绝长流水、长明灯。
Article 6 The international student dormitory provides 24-hour electricity supply. The school provides free basic water and electricity consumption for the dormitory based on the actual number of occupants. The excess consumption shall be borne by the international students themselves. International students shall conserve water and electricity and turn off the faucet and turn off the electric appliances when they leave the room to avoid waste of water and electricity.
第七条 国际学生应妥善保管公寓配备的各种公用物品。因正常使用造成的损耗,由公寓管理服务部门负责维修或更换;非正常使用造成的损坏或因保管不妥丢失的物品,按成本收取维修费或照原价赔偿;故意损坏的物品,按市场价赔偿,并视情节给予纪律处分;物品损坏,无法明确直接责任者,由同寝室国际学生共同赔偿。
Article 7 International students should take good care of the public items provided in the dormitory. Normal wear and tear will be repaired or replaced by the management service department; non-normal damage or loss of items will be charged for repair or compensated at the original price; intentional damage will be compensated at market price, meanwhile disciplinary action will be taken accordingly; if the item is damaged and the direct responsibility cannot be determined, the international students in the same dormitory will be jointly responsible for compensation.
第八条 国际学生须在登记指定寝室就寝,不得私自调换寝室,不得占用他人床位,不得出租、出借床位给他人,不得留宿他人。
Article 8 International students must reside in the designated dormitory rooms assigned to them and are not allowed to change rooms without permission, nor to occupy another person's bed, rent or lend their bed to others, or accommodate others in their room.
第九条 国际学生在公寓内的言行举止须文明得体,遵守作息纪律,不得影响他人休息,不得从事与黄、赌、毒有关的活动及商业活动,不得饲养宠物。
Article 9 International students shall behave in a civilized and courteous manner and comply with the rules of conduct and discipline in the dormitory. International students are not allowed to interfere with other people's rest, are not allowed to engage in prostitution, gambling, drug related activities and commercial activities, and are not allowed to keep pets.
第十条 学校定期或不定期对国际学生公寓进行消防等方面安全检查,国际学生须积极配合并严格遵守安全管理相关规定。
Article 10 The school conducts regular or irregular safety inspections on the international student dormitory for fire safety and other aspects. International students shall actively cooperate and strictly follow the relevant regulations on safety management.
(I) International students shall swipe their campus cards to enter and exit the dormitory. It is strictly prohibited to enter or exit without swiping, to use other people’s card, to climb over, or to destroy the access control system. If the campus card is lost, it should be replaced in time; non-residents of the building shall check in at the guard post and be allowed to enter after their identity is verified.
(II) International students shall check in and out at the guard post when carrying large luggage or packages into and out of the international student dormitory for inspection.
(III) It is strictly prohibited to occupy, block the fire escape, damage the fire-fighting facilities, use prohibited electrical appliances, illegally connect wires, disassemble water meters and electricity meters, or to use fire, flames, or flammable and explosive items in the international student dormitory.
(IV) It is strictly prohibited to bring electric vehicles, batteries or other flammable and explosive charging devices into the dormitory for storage and charging, or to connect the wires from the dormitory to the outside for charging.
第十一条 国际学生应当自觉做好寝室内务,维护寝室公共区域及内部的环境卫生。
Article 11 International students should do a good job of housekeeping in the dormitory and maintain the clean environment of the public areas and inside the dormitory.
第十二条 国际学生应积极参与国际学生公寓先进集体和优秀个人创建,共同营造文明和谐的学习生活氛围。
Article 12 International students should actively participate in the establishment of excellent dormitories and outstanding individuals, and jointly create a civilized and harmonious learning and living environment.
第十三条 配备厨房的公寓,仅限在厨房内使用符合中国国家3C标准且在用电限额内的烹饪电器。
Article 13 In apartment with kitchen, cooking appliances can only be used in kitchen, and the cooking appliances used must meet the national 3C standard and be below voltage limit.
第十四条 严禁在无人看管情况下使用电器(包括空调、电磁炉、电饭煲、充电器等)。
Article 14 It is strictly prohibited to use electrical appliances (including air conditioners, induction cookers, rice cookers, chargers, etc.) unattended.
第十五条 宿舍依照有关规定实行来访人员登记制度。来访人员凭有效身份证件登记后方可进入公寓。国际学生公寓会客时间为8:00至22:00,22:00前访客必须离开公寓。被访问的国际学生离开宿舍时,来访人员必须同时离开。
Article 15 The dormitory implements the visitor registration system. Visitors must register with valid ID cards before entering the dormitory. The visiting hours for international student dormitories are from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Visitors must leave the dormitory by 10:00 p.m. The visitor must leave the dormitory together with the international student being visited when the international student leaves the dormitory.
第四章 校外住宿申请与管理
Chapter 4 Application and Management of Off-Campus Accommodation
第十六条 国际学生一般在校内住宿,因实习、见习等原因不在校住宿,或因病等其他情况被认定不适宜在学生宿舍集体居住的国际学生,可申请办理校外住宿。除特殊情况外,校外住宿原则上以学年为单位,在每年春季学期末集中办理。校内住宿费据实缴纳或退免。
Article 16 International students are generally required to live on campus. International students who cannot live on campus due to internships, practicums, or other reasons, or international students who are deemed unsuitable for living in dormitories on campus due to illness or other reasons, may apply for off-campus accommodation. Except for special circumstances, off-campus accommodation is generally handled on an academic year basis, with centralized processing in the spring semester. On-campus accommodation fees will be refunded or waived in accordance with actual circumstances.
第十七条 校外住宿的国际学生应遵守中国的法律法规和校纪校规,提高安全防范和自我保护意识,校外住宿期间所发生的一切事故、纠纷及责任,均由国际学生本人解决和承担。
Article 17 International students living off-campus should abide by Chinese laws and regulations and school rules and regulations, and enhance their safety awareness and ability to protect themselves. All accidents, disputes, and responsibilities that occur during the period of off-campus accommodation will be resolved and borne by the international student himself/herself.
第十八条 国际教育学院将不定期配合公安部门对校外住宿的国际学生进行安全查访,国际学生应予以积极配合,不得无理阻拦或拒绝查访。
Article 18 The School of International Education will periodically cooperate with public security departments to conduct safety inspections of international students living off-campus. International students should cooperate actively and not unreasonably obstruct or refuse inspections.
第五章 附则
Chapter 5 Supplements
第十九条 本办法由国际教育学院负责解释,以中文版本为准,外文版本(如有)仅为帮助学生理解规定内容。
Article 19 The interpretation of these rules is the responsibility of the School of International Education. The Chinese version shall prevail. The foreign version (if any) is only for the purpose of helping students understand the prescribed content.
第二十条 本办法自公布之日起执行。
Article 20 These Measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.