Disciplinary Measures for International Students at Hubei Minzu University
第一章 总 则
Chapter 1 General Provisions
第一条 为规范学校国际学生管理,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障学生合法权益,培养知华、友华的国际学生,根据《fun88乐体育官网体育学生违纪处分办法》和《fun88乐体育官网体育国际学生管理规定》的要求,特制定本办法。
Article 1 In order to regulate the management of international students at our school, maintain the normal order of education and life, protect the legitimate rights and interests of students, cultivate international students who are knowledgeable and friendly towards China, in accordance with the "Disciplinary Punishment Regulations for Students of Hubei Minzu University" and the "Regulations on the Management of International Students at Hubei Minzu University", this regulation is formulated.
第二条 本办法适用于fun88乐体育官网体育在校国际学生。
Article 2 This regulation applies to international students at Hubei Minzu University.
第三条 学校给予国际学生处分,坚持教育与惩戒相结合,与国际学生违法、违纪行为的性质和程度相适应;学校对国际学生的处分,做到证据充分、依据明确、定性准确、程序正当、处分适当。
Article 3 The school imposes disciplinary punishment on international students in accordance with the principle of education and punishment combined, and in proportion to the nature and degree of their violations or breaches of discipline. The school shall provide sufficient evidence, clearly state the grounds for punishment, accurately define the nature of the violations or breaches of discipline, and follow the proper procedures and impose appropriate punishment.
第四条 国际学生违纪行为,不构成违法的,由学校给予相应的纪律处分,构成违法的,除由司法部门依法追究法律责任外,学校给予相应的纪律处分。
Article 4 If the violations or breaches of discipline committed by international students do not constitute a crime, the school shall impose corresponding disciplinary punishment. If they constitute a crime, in addition to being pursued legally by the judicial authorities, the school shall impose corresponding disciplinary punishment.
第二章 处分的种类、期限和适用
Chapter 2 Types, Periods and Applicability of Disciplinary Punishment
第五条 国际学生违纪处分的种类有:
Article 5 The types of disciplinary punishment for international students' violations or breaches of discipline are as follows:
(2)Serious warning ;
(3)Demerit recording;
(4)Probation for one year;
(5)School expulsion.
The punishment periods are as follows: warning, 6 months; serious warning, 8 months; demerit, 10 months; probation, 12 months.
第六条 国际学生违反校规校纪,情节轻微尚不足以给予纪律处分的,由学校相关部门或国际学生所在学院给予通报批评,督促其改正错误。一学年内两次受到通报批评,经教育不改,第三次违纪按规定应当给予通报批评的,视其情节给予警告或严重警告处分。
Article 6 If an international student's violation or breach of discipline is not serious enough to warrant disciplinary punishment, the school or the relevant departments shall give the student a public reprimand and urge them to correct their mistakes. If the student receives two public reprimands within one academic year and fails to correct their mistakes after education, a warning or serious warning punishment shall be imposed in accordance with the circumstances.
第七条 国际学生有下列情况之一者,应从重或加重处分:
Article 7 International students who have any of the following circumstances shall be given severe or heavier punishments:
(1) Deliberately concealing, distorting and fabricating facts, obstructing the investigation of relevant departments and units, or refusing to admit mistakes;
(2) Being punished again after repeated indoctrination;
(3) Where violations of discipline occur again within the disciplinary period after not modifying through education;
(4) Threatening to retaliate against the informant and witness handler;
(5) Gang up to pick quarrels or fight;
(6) Gathering organizations to coerce and instigate others to violate discipline;
(7) Violations of discipline occur during various important activities or major events;
(8) Being primarily responsible for violations of discipline;
(9) Having a serious adverse social impact;
(10) Other aggravating circumstances provided for in these Measures
第八条 学生有下列情况之一者,可从轻、减轻或免予处分:
Article 8 Students who have any of the following circumstances may be given a lighter punishment or exempted from punishment:
(1) Sincere attitude of admitting mistakes and voluntarily accounting for disciplinary violations;
(2) Cooperating with the investigation and voluntarily reporting;
(3) Coerced or induced by others;
(4) Other mitigation or exemption circumstances provided for in these Measures.
第九条 受处分国际学生同时给予下列处理:
Article 9 International students who are subject to disciplinary measures shall be dealt with as follows at the same time:
(1) During the disciplinary period, they shall not be evaluated first;
(2) Those who serve as student leaders shall be removed from corresponding posts.
第十条 学校对国际学生的处分材料,真实完整的归入学校文书档案和国际学生本人档案。
Article 10 The disciplinary materials of international students by the school shall be truthfully and completely classified into the school documents and international students' personal files.
第三章 违纪行为及处分细则
Chapter 3: Detailed Rules for Disciplinary Violations and Sanctions
第一节 对危害中国国家安全和公共安全行为的处分
Section 1: Sanctions for conduct endangering China's national security and public security
第十一条 有以下情形,给予开除学籍处分:
Article 11: In the following circumstances, the sanction of expulsion from the school shall be given:
(1) Violating the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, seriously undermining stability and unity, or disrupting social order;
(2) Colluding with domestic or foreign institutions, organizations, or individuals to endanger China's national security, disrupt social order, or steal China's state secrets and intelligence;
(3) Organizing or joining cults or other illegal social groups or organizations to engage in illegal activities, or using the Internet to contact cult members to undermine state laws and administrative regulations.
第十二条 有以下行为之一的,视情节轻重,给予留校察看及以上处分:
Article 12: Those who exhibit any of the following acts are to be given sanctions of probation or above, depending on the severity of the circumstances:
(1) Posting or distributing reactionary or inflammatory posters or leaflets;
(2) Publishing or disseminating illegal publications or spreading reactionary remarks through other channels to confuse the public or create confusion.
第十三条 严禁在校内传教、举行宗教集会,国际学生有违反《中华人民共和国境内外国人宗教活动管理规定实施细则》者,视其情节轻重,给予警告及以上处分。
Article 13 No student shall engage in religious activities or hold religious gatherings on campus. International students who violate the "Implementation Rules for the Administration of Religious Affairs of the People's Republic of China" shall be given a warning or higher disciplinary action depending on the gravity of the situation.
第十四条 组织、策划、指挥和参加未经批准的集会、游行、示威活动,扰乱社会秩序、妨碍学校管理、破坏安定团结活动的,视情节轻重,给予记过及以上处分。
Article 14 Students who organize, plot, direct or participate in unauthorized rallies, processions or demonstrations that disrupt social order, hinder school management, and cause disorder shall be given a demerit of at least a minor or higher disciplinary action depending on the gravity of the situation.
第十五条 购置、制作、携带、存放管制刀具(匕首、三棱刀、弹簧刀等)及枪支弹药、易燃易爆、剧毒等危险物品,视情节轻重给予记过及以上处分。
Article 15 Students who purchase, manufacture, carry or store prohibited items such as daggers, triangular knives, spring-loaded knives, firearms, ammunition, explosives, toxic substances, etc., shall be given a demerit of at least a minor or higher disciplinary action depending on the gravity of the situation.
第十六条 违反实验室、教学实践场所安全制度和安全操作规程,给公共安全带来危害的,给予警告及以上处分;违规使用、携带危化物品的,给予记过以上处分。
Article 16 Students who violate the safety regulations and operating procedures of laboratories and teaching practice sites, thereby endangering public safety, shall be given a demerit of at least a minor or higher disciplinary action. Students who violate the regulations on the use and carrying of hazardous chemicals shall be given a demerit of at least a minor or higher disciplinary action.
第十七条 在发生自然灾害、安全事故、公共安全卫生事件等特殊时期,不服从管理,不配合预防、预演、处置和救援的,视情节严重,给予警告及以上处分。
Article 17 During special periods such as natural disasters, safety accidents, public health emergencies, etc., students who refuse to comply with management and do not cooperate with prevention, rehearsal, response, and rescue efforts shall be given a demerit of at least a minor or higher disciplinary action depending on the gravity of the situation.
第十八条 明知自身患有严重传染病,拒不配合病情防控、医学治疗和控制传播措施的,给予严重警告及以上处分。
Article 18 Students who knowingly have a serious infectious disease and refuse to cooperate with disease control, medical treatment, and measures to prevent the spread of the disease shall be given a serious demerit or higher disciplinary action.
第二节 对危害公共秩序和人身权利的处分
Section 2: Sanctions that endanger public order and personal rights
第十九条 违反学校规定,严重影响学校教育教学秩序、生活秩序以及公共场所管理秩序的,给予开除学籍处分。
Article 19: Where school regulations are violated, seriously impacting the order of school education and teaching, the order of life, and the order of management in public places, the sanction of expulsion from school is to be given.
第二十条 扰乱学校教育教学秩序的,给予以下处分:
Article 20: Where the order of school education and teaching is disrupted, the following sanctions are to be given:
(1) Organizing all kinds of commercial activities on campus for the purpose of making profits or covertly making profits, disrupting the order of teaching management, depending on the severity of the circumstances, give warnings or higher sanctions;
(2) Littering discarded dirt in classrooms, cafeterias, libraries, venues, and other such places, disrupting order in public places, is to be given a warning or higher sanction depending on the severity of the circumstances;
(3) Where other serious impacts on school education and teaching, study and life, and the order of the management of public places, a demerit or higher sanction is to be given in light of the severity of the circumstances.
第二十一条 在校内未经批准张贴告示、通知、启事、广告、标语或进行喷绘、散发宣传品、悬挂横幅、使用飞行器材等,给予警告及以上处分。
Article 21 Anyone who posts notices, notices, notices, advertisements, slogans, spray-paints, distributes publicity materials, hangs banners, uses flying equipment, etc., without approval on campus, shall be given a warning or above.
第二十二条 对肇事、结伙斗殴、殴打他人或提供凶器者,给予以下处分:
Article 22: The following sanctions are to be given to those who cause trouble, gang fights, assault others, or provide weapons:
(1) Insulting or attacking others by language or other means, depending on the circumstances, a warning or higher sanction is to be given.
(2) Assaulting others, but not causing injury to others, is to be given a serious warning; Causing injury to others is to be given a demerit or higher sanction depending on the circumstances.
(3) Those who plot others to fight, and cause the fact of fighting, are to be given a demerit or higher sanction based on the severity of the consequences.
(4) Where, in the name of persuading a fight, favors one side, causing the situation of the fight to expand, a serious warning or demerit is to be given.
(5) Those who provide others with weapons are to be given serious warnings or higher sanctions depending on the consequences; Intentionally injuring others with a murder weapon is to be given a sanction of probation or above.
(6)Those who do not listen to dissuasion during the beating or fighting, coerce others or extort other people's property after beating or fighting, or insult or assault faculty and staff, depending on the severity of the circumstances, shall be given a sanction of probation or above.
第二十三条 国际学生在校期间饮酒的,视情节轻重,给予警告及以上处分;有酗酒、醉酒行为的,视情节轻重,给予记过及以上处分。
Article 23 International students who drink alcohol while on campus shall be given a warning or higher punishment depending on the severity of the circumstances; Where there is drunken or drunken conduct, a demerit or higher is to be given depending on the severity of the circumstances.
第二十四条 组织、参与非法借贷、电诈、赌博或吸食毒品给予以下处分:
Article 24: The following sanctions are to be given for organizing or participating in illegal lending, wire fraud, gambling, or drug use:
(1) Those who participate in undesirable online lending, telecommunications fraud, illegal fundraising, or pyramid selling activities are to be given serious warnings or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances.
(2) Organizing or coercing, deceiving, or inducing others to participate in undesirable online lending, telecommunications fraud, illegal fundraising, or pyramid marketing activities, are to be given demerits or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances.
(3) Those who organize or participate in gambling, disguised gambling, or provide conditions for gambling are to be given demerits or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances.
(4) Those who take drugs shall be given a sanction of probation or above.
第二十五条 侵犯他人隐私、生活作风不端、复制或传播淫秽物品等行为,分别给予以下处分:
Article 25: The following disciplinary sanctions shall be imposed on those who engage in the following behaviors:
(1) Invasion of others' privacy, depending on the degree of the offense, shall be given a serious warning or higher punishment.
(2) Harassing others with love as a pretext, interfering with others' study or life, or even threatening or intimidating others, depending on the degree of the offense, shall be given a warning or higher punishment.
(3) Engaging in sexual harassment shall be given a serious warning or higher punishment.
(4) Acting as an extramarital partner shall be given a disciplinary sanction of reprimand or higher.
(5) Producing, copying, selling, or disseminating obscene audio-visual materials, depending on the degree of the offense, shall be given a disciplinary sanction of reprimand or higher.
(6) Those who accept or provide pornographic services, or engage in other activities that are recognized by the judicial authorities as pornographic, shall be given a disciplinary sanction of probation or higher.
(7) Other behaviors that violate public order and morality, depending on the degree of the offense, shall be given a serious warning or higher punishment.
第二十六条 对违反国家有关网络使用管理规定者,给予以下处分:
Article 26: The following sanctions are to be given to those who violate the state's provisions on the management of network use:
(1) Using the internet, mobile phones, or other such media to engage in insults, defamation, malicious hype, extortion, fabricating or disseminating untrue, false, or harmful information, and so forth, are to be given serious warnings or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances;
(2) Setting up servers without approval to provide network information services, stealing online accounts, or lending or transferring online accounts, causing negative consequences, are to be given warnings or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances;
(3) Stealing, intentionally divulging, or disseminating the unit's confidential information or the privacy of others, and giving a serious warning or higher sanction;
(4) Creating or disseminating destructive programs such as computer viruses, creating or participating in the management of illegal websites, intentionally downloading or disseminating illegal content, and depending on the severity of the circumstances, a demerit or higher sanction is to be given;
(5) Other violations of network information security management provisions are to be given warnings or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances.
第二十七条 侵害他人、组织合法权益的,给予以下处分:
Article 27: Where the lawful rights and interests of others or organizations are violated, the following sanctions are to be given:
(1) Spreading rumors, making false accusations, planting false accusations, or framing others, depending on the severity of the circumstances, give warnings or higher sanctions;
(2) Where fraud, fabrication of evidence, or perjury are to be given, depending on the severity of the circumstances, a serious warning or higher sanction is to be given.
第三节 对侵犯公私财产的处分
Section 3: Disposition of infringement of public or private property
第二十八条 偷盗、诈骗或抢夺公私财物者,除追回赃款、赃物外,视情节轻重给予严重警告及以上处分。
Article 28: Those who steal, defraud, or steal public or private property are to be given serious warnings or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances, except for the recovery of stolen money or goods.
第二十九条 明知是赃物而予以窝藏、转移、收购或代为销售的,视情节轻重,给予严重警告及以上处分;包庇他人,明知他人偷盗,不但不举报,反而参与私分赃款赃物者,视情节轻重,给予严重警告及以上处分。
Article 29: Where people clearly know that they are stolen goods and harbor, transfer, purchase, or sell them on their behalf, they are to be given serious warnings or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances; Those who harbor others, clearly know that others are stealing, not only do not report it, but instead participate in the private distribution of stolen money and goods, depending on the severity of the circumstances, are to be given a serious warning or higher sanction.
第三十条 将代为保管的他人财物或遗忘物非法侵占,拒不退还,或将公共财物非法占为己有的,视情节轻重,给予警告及以上处分。
Article 30: Where other people's property or forgotten items that are in custody are illegally appropriated or refused, or public property is illegally taken possession of as one's own, a warning or higher sanction is to be given, depending on the severity of the circumstances.
第三十一条 故意损坏公私财物者,除赔偿损失外,视情节轻重,给予警告及以上处分。
Article 31: Those who intentionally damage public or private property are to be given warnings or higher sanctions depending on the severity of the circumstances, in addition to compensating for losses.
第四节 对违反教育教学规定的处分
Section 4: Sanctions for violations of education and teaching provisions
第三十二条 一学期内,对累计旷课1-9 学时者,学院应视其情节给予通报批评;累计旷课达以下学时者,分别给予相应处分:
(一)达10-19 学时者,给予警告处分;
(二)达20-29 学时者,给予严重警告处分;
(三)达30-39 学时者,给予记过处分;
(四)达40-59 学时者,给予留校察看处分;
(五)达60 学时及以上者,给予开除学籍处分。
Article 32 In a semester, the college shall give a notice of criticism to those who are absent from class for 1-9 hours according to the circumstances. Those who have been absent from school for the following hours in total shall be given corresponding sanctions:
(1) Those who have reached 10-19 class hours shall be given a warning;
(2) Those who have reached 20-29 class hours shall be given a serious warning;
(3) Those who have reached 30-39 class hours shall be given a penalty of demerit;
(4) Those who have reached 40-59 class hours will be given the sanction of probation;
(5) Those who have 60 class hours or more will be expelled from the school.
International students who are absent from school for one day on campus will be counted as the actual teaching hours; If you leave school without any reason, each day will be counted as 8 hours; During the period of non-course study, those who do not participate in the educational and teaching activities provided for by the school without approval and criticize the ineffectiveness of education are to be given a warning, and those who should be given a sanction for the second time are to be given a serious warning or demerit sanction, and those who are recidivists and the education is ineffective are given a heavier sanction; Those who arrive late and leave early for more than 30 minutes, and those who are absent from work and late for roll call will be treated as absenteeism for 1 class hour.
Within one semester, the cumulative number of hours of absenteeism is calculated (if the absenteeism is repeated after being punished for absenteeism, the number of hours of absenteeism shall be calculated according to the sum of the original hours of absenteeism and the new hours of absenteeism), and corresponding sanctions shall be given according to the accumulated hours of absenteeism.
第三十三条 请他人带上课或替他人上课的,给予严重警告及以上处分。
Article 33: Those who invite others to take classes or take classes for others are to be given serious warnings or higher sanctions.
第三十四条 严重违反考试纪律的,给予开除学籍处分:
Article 34 Those who seriously violate examination discipline shall be expelled from the school:
(1) Substitute for others or have others take the test on their behalf;
(2) Organizing cheating;
(3) Selling test questions or answers to others in violation of regulations;
(4) Other serious cheating or disrupting the order of the examination
第三十五条 实施考试作弊的,视情节轻重,给予留校察看及以上处分:
Article 35: Those who cheat on examinations are to be given sanctions of probation or above, depending on the severity of the circumstances:
(1) Bring written materials related to the content of the test or electronic devices that store materials related to the content of the test to take the test, and use communication equipment or other equipment to obtain answers;
(2) Writing test-related content on walls, tabletops, examination utensils, and body parts;
(3) Peeking at or copying entrained materials or other people's answers, passing or receiving items related to the content of the test, or exchanging test papers, answer sheets, or draft papers;
(4) Intentionally leaking answers, assisting others in plagiarism, or intentionally destroying test papers, answer sheets, or test materials;
(5) Using body language such as voice or agreed gestures to exchange answers;
(6) Fill in the name, test number, and other information that does not match the person's identity on the answer sheet;
(7) Obtaining examination qualifications and test results by forging certificates, certificates, archives and other materials;
(8) Snatching or stealing others' test papers or answer sheets, or forcing others to facilitate their own plagiarism;
(9) Using computers, mobile phones, or other devices to exit the test interface without reason during an online test, and having multiple accounts to log in or use the device to view other content after being certified by the management background;
(10) Other cheating on exams that should be determined.
第三十六条 在考试中有违纪行为的,视情节轻重,给予严重警告或记过处分:
Article 36: Where there is a violation of discipline in the examination, a serious warning or demerit shall be given depending on the severity of the circumstances:
(1) Trying to cheat by peeping, talking to each other, exchanging codes, or gesturing during the test;
(2) Disobeying the management of the invigilator and disrupting the order of the examination room;
(3) Changing seats without the permission of the invigilator;
(4) Falsifying examination documents without causing cheating;
(5) Illegally taking answer sheets (including test booklets, answer sheets, answer sheets, etc.), draft papers, and other examination papers out of the examination room;
(6) Answering questions with a pen or paper other than those provided, writing names and student numbers in places other than those provided for in the test papers, or otherwise marking information on the answer sheets, but not causing cheating;
(7) Other violations of examination discipline that do not constitute cheating.
第三十七条 有抄袭、篡改、伪造等学术不端行为或侵犯他人知识产权行为的,给予以下处分:
Article 37: Where there is plagiarism, tampering, forgery, or other academic misconduct or infringement of others' intellectual property rights, the following sanctions are to be given:
(1) Where there is plagiarism, tampering, forgery, or other academic misconduct in dissertations or publicly published research results, and the circumstances are serious, or where papers are written or bought or sold on behalf of others, they are to be expelled from the university;
(2) Where there is plagiarism, falsification, or other academic misconduct in coursework, course design, experimental reports, internship reports, investigation reports, experimental data, scientific research reports, or other academic achievements that have not been officially published, a warning or higher sanction is to be given depending on the severity of the circumstances;
(3) Where infringement of others' intellectual property rights such as copyrights, patent rights, discovery rights, invention rights, and other rights to scientific and technological achievements is to be given a serious warning or higher sanction, depending on the severity of the circumstances.
第三十八条 国际学生在校外开展教学、实习、考察、社会实践等教育教学活动期间有违纪行为的,参照相应条款给予纪律处分。
Article 38 International students who violate discipline during off-campus teaching, internship, field trips, social practice and other educational and teaching activities shall be given disciplinary sanctions with reference to the corresponding provisions.
第五节 对违反国际学生住宿管理规定的处分
Section 5 Sanctions for Violating the Regulations on the Administration of International Student Accommodation
第三十九条 国际学生晚归或夜不归宿的,给予以下处分:
Article 39 International students who return late or do not return at night shall be given the following sanctions:
(1) Where they return late without a legitimate reason, circulate criticism of the students;
(2) Where they do not perform registration formalities when they return late, or make trouble without reason, or climb over the wall to enter the house, they are to be given a warning or higher sanction depending on the severity of the circumstances;
(3) Those who do not return at night are to be given serious warnings or higher sanctions.
第四十条 不遵守寝室床位管理相关规定的,给予以下处分:
Article 40: Those who do not comply with the relevant provisions on the management of dormitory beds are to be given the following sanctions:
(1) Changing dormitories without permission, and depending on the severity of the circumstances, give a warning or higher sanction;
(2) Occupying, renting, or lending students' dormitories or beds without authorization, depending on the severity of the circumstances, are to be given serious warnings or higher sanctions;
(3) Staying overnight without permission, depending on the severity of the circumstances, give a serious warning or higher sanction; Staying overnight with the opposite sex is to be given a sanction of probation or above.
第四十一条 在国际学生公寓有不文明行为的,给予以下处分:
Article 41 Those who have uncivilized behaviors in the international student dormitory shall be given the following sanctions:
(1) Failure to comply with work and rest discipline, affecting the normal rest of others, and depending on the severity of the circumstances, give a warning or higher sanction;
(2) Engaging in commercial activities such as sales and sales in international student apartments without approval, and depending on the severity of the circumstances, a warning or higher punishment will be given;
(3) Raising animals in the dormitory, depending on the severity of the circumstances, give serious warnings or higher sanctions.
第四十二条 在国际学生公寓违规用火用电的,给予以下处分:
Article 42 Any person who uses fire or electricity in violation of regulations in an international student dormitory shall be given the following sanctions:
(1) Occupying or blocking the fire escape of the building, destroying the fire protection facilities, and giving a warning or above; where serious consequences are caused, a sanction of probation or higher is to be given;
(2) Illegally connecting wires or dismantling water meters or electricity meters, and giving serious warnings or higher sanctions; where serious consequences are caused, a sanction of probation or higher is to be given;
(3) Using open flames, burning waste, or throwing incendiary objects or fires downstairs or in the garbage chute in the international student dormitory, depending on the severity of the circumstances, will be given a demerit or above; where serious consequences are caused, a sanction of probation or higher is to be given;
(4) Those who cook in areas other than the kitchen, store or use alcohol stoves, gas stoves and other open flames in the dormitory, and store or use prohibited electrical appliances in the dormitory, shall be given a demerit sanction; where serious consequences are caused, a sanction of probation or higher is to be given;
(5) Bringing charging vehicles, batteries, or other flammable and explosive charging equipment into the apartment for storage and charging, or wiring from the apartment to the outside for charging, shall be given a demerit sanction; where serious consequences are caused, a sanction of probation or higher is to be given.
第四章 处分的实施
Chapter 4: Implementation of Sanctions
第四十三条 下列各项材料,经过查证核实后,可以作为处分违纪国际学生的证明材料:
Article 43 The following materials may be used as proof materials for the punishment of international students who violate discipline after verification and verification:
(1) Physical evidence, audio-visual materials, and so forth related to the facts of the disciplinary violation;
(2) Written review of international students who violate discipline, etc.;
(3) Statements and reporting materials signed by the victim;
(4) Testimony signed by witnesses;
(5) Comprehensive materials such as inquiry records of the Institute of International Education and relevant units;
(6) Judgments, rulings, decisions, appraisals of judicial organs, and decisions of relevant departments, arbitral awards, administrative reconsideration decisions, etc.
第四十四条 处分的权限和程序:
Article 44: Authority and procedures for sanctions:
(1) Warnings, serious warnings, demerits, and academic probation shall be decided by the competent department after written opinions shall be submitted by the college.
(2) The School of International Education shall submit a written opinion to the competent department for review, and after conducting a legality review, report to the school for research and decision.
(3) All kinds of punishments must fill in the "Hubei University for Nationalities International Student Punishment Approval Form", and submit it to the competent department for review together with the supporting materials.
第四十五条 在对国际学生作出处分决定之前,国际教育学院应告知国际学生作出决定的事实、理由及依据,并告知国际学生享有陈述和申辩的权利,听取国际学生的陈述和申辩。
Article 45 Before making a decision on the punishment of an international student, the School of International Education shall inform the international student of the facts, reasons and basis for the decision, and inform the international student of the right to make statements and defenses, and listen to the statements and defenses of the international students.
第四十六条 学校对国际学生作出处分,应当出具处分决定书,其中,留校察看及以下处分由国际教育学院出具处分决定书,开除学籍处分由学校出具处分决定书。处分决定书包括下列内容:
Article 46 The School of International Education shall issue a written decision on the punishment of an international student, of which the School of International Education shall issue a written decision on the punishment of probation or below, and the school shall issue a written decision on the punishment of expulsion. The sanction decision includes the following content:
(1) Basic information of international students;
(2) The facts and evidence of the sanction;
(3) The type, basis, and duration of the sanction;
(4) The channels and time limits for appeals;
(5) Other necessary content.
第四十七条 处分的送达、公布:
(一)国际学生违纪处分决定书一般由国际教育学院直接送达国际学生本人;国际学生拒绝签收的,可以以留置方式送达;已离校的,可以采取邮寄方式送达;难以联系的,可以利用学校网站、新闻媒体等公告方式送达,公告期为60 天,公告期满视为送达。
Article 47: Service and announcement of sanctions:
(1) The decision on disciplinary punishment for international students is generally directly delivered to the international student by the School of International Education; If the international student refuses to sign for the receipt, it can be served by retention in custody; Those who have already left the school may be delivered by mail; If it is difficult to contact, it may be served by means of public announcement such as the school website and news media, and the announcement period is 60 days, and the expiration of the announcement period shall be deemed to have been served.
(2) The training unit to which the international student belongs shall promptly publish the decision on disciplinary punishment of the international student within the scope of the training unit.
第四十八条 除开除学籍处分以外,处分期满可按《fun88乐体育官网体育学生解除留校察看及以下处分管理办法》申请解除;解除处分后,国际学生获得表彰、奖励及其他权益,不再受原处分的影响。
Article 48: In addition to the sanction of expulsion, upon the expiration of the sanction period, an application may be made for lifting in accordance with the "Administrative Measures for the Removal of Students from Probation and Below Sanctions of Hubei University for Nationalities"; After the sanction is lifted, the international student will receive commendations, awards and other rights and interests, and will no longer be affected by the original sanction.
第四十九条 受到开除学籍处分或做退学处理的国际学生,学费交纳按有关文件执行,由学校出具写实性学习证明,在处分决定生效后15日内注销居留许可,办理离校、离境手续。
Article 49 For international students who have been expelled from the University or withdrawn from the University, the tuition fee shall be paid in accordance with the relevant documents, and the University shall issue a realistic study certificate, cancel the residence permit within 15 days after the punishment decision takes effect, and go through the formalities of leaving the University and leaving the country.
第五十条 国际学生对学校给予的处分决定有异议的,可以依照学校关于申诉处理的相关规定提出申诉。
Article 50 If an international student has any objection to the sanction decision given by the University, he or she may submit an appeal in accordance with the relevant provisions of the University on the handling of appeals.
第五章 附则
Chapter 5: Supplementary Provisions
第五十一条 本办法由国际教育学院负责解释。外文版本(如有)仅为帮助学生理解规定内容,最终解释与执行以中文版为准。
Article 51 The School of International Education shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures. The foreign language version (if any) is only to help students understand the prescribed content, and the final interpretation and implementation are subject to the Chinese version.
第五十二条 本办法自颁布之日起施行。
Article 52: These Measures shall come into force on the date of promulgation.