2014.09 – 2018.06 湖北大学 本科 应用化学
2019.09 – 2023.06 湖北大学 硕博连读 材料制备与测试技术
2023.10 – 至今 fun88乐体育官网体育 讲师
[1] 光电半导体材料及光电化学生物传感;
[2] 共价有机框架功能材料及β-淀粉样蛋白聚集机理研究。
[1] 构建基于电子供体-受体型共价有机框架的检测-解离-淀粉样蛋白一体化光电传感平台(2024AFB496,5万),湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,在研,主持(2024.03 – 2026.03);
[2] 纳米共价有机框架生物传感助力老年痴呆标志物研究(BS24057,15万),fun88乐体育官网体育博士科研启动基金项目,在研,主持(2023.10 – 2027.10);
[3] 基于光热响应型共价有机框架材料解离β-淀粉样蛋白(4万),fun88乐体育官网体育校内科研项目,在研,主持(2024.09 – 2026.09);
[4] 基于功能化贵金属纳米材料的石墨烯晶体管传感器的构建及其对循环肿瘤靶标的分析应用研究(52171177,60万),国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,参与(2022.01 – 2025.12)。
[1] Yao, L.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, S.; Zou, Q.; Wang, H.-X.; Ma, L.-X.; Wang, S.; Zhang, X., Phosphorylation of covalent organic framework nanospheres for inhibition of amyloid-β peptide fibrillation. Chemical Science, 2022, 13 (20), 5902-5912.
[2] Yao, L.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, H.-X.; Guo, Y.; Zhuang, Z.-M.; Wen, W.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., An energy and charge transfer synergetic donor–acceptor heterostructure 2D-COF in photovoltaics. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8 (17), 8518-8526.
[3] Guo, Y.‡; Yao, L.‡; Luo, L.‡; Wang, H.-X.; Yang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Ai, S.-L.; Zhang, Y.; Zou, Q.-C.; Zhang, H.-L., Alkylaminomaleimide fluorophores: synthesis via air oxidation and emission modulation by twisted intramolecular charge transfer. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 8 (2), 239-248.(共同一作)
[4] Mao, L.; Liu, H.; Yao, L.; Wen, W.; Chen, M.-M.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Construction of a dual-functional CuO/BiOCl heterojunction for high-efficiently photoelectrochemical biosensing and photoelectrocatalytic degradation of aflatoxin B1. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 429, 132297.
[5] Mao, L.; Ji, K.; Yao, L.; Xue, X.; Wen, W.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Molecularly imprinted photoelectrochemical sensor for fumonisin B1 based on GO-CdS heterojunction. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019, 127, 57-63.
[6] Shu, W.; Su, R.; Yao, L.; Xiao, Y.; Chen, M.-M.; Wen W.; Wang, S.; Xiong C, Zhang, X., Tetraphenylethylene-doped covalent organic frameworks as a highly efficient aggregation-induced electrochemiluminescence emitter for ultrasensitive miRNA-21 analysis, Advanced Sensor and Energy Materials, 2023, 2 (2), 100059.
[7] Gao, K. X.; Zhou, Z.; Yao, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Zou, Q.; Ma, L. X.; Wang, H. X., Aspartic acid-assisted size-controllable synthesis of nanoscale spherical covalent organic frameworks with chiral interfaces for inhibiting amyloid-beta fibrillation. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2022, 5 (3), 1210-1221.
[8] Mao, L.; Wang, X.; Guo, Y.; Yao, L.; Xue, X.; Wang, H. X.; Xiong, C.; Wen, W.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., A synergistic approach to enhance the photoelectrochemical performance of carbon dots for molecular imprinting sensors. Nanoscale, 2019, 11 (16), 7885-7892.
[9] Mao, L.; Gao, M.; Xue, X.; Yao, L.; Wen, W.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Organic-inorganic nanoparticles molecularly imprinted photoelectrochemical sensor for alpha-solanine based on p-type polymer dots and n-CdS heterojunction. Anal Chim Acta, 2019, 1059, 94-102.
[1] 湖北省化学化工学会第二十三届分析化学年会(2019 年 11 月,湖北 武汉);
[2] 第十四届全国电分析化学学术会议(2020 年 11 月,江苏 南京);
[3] 第六届亚太国际急诊论坛(2021 年 4 月,海南 海口);
[4] 湖北省化学化工学会第二十四届分析化学年会(2021 年 11 月,湖北 武汉);
[5] 湖北省化学化工学会无机化学化工专业委员会学术年会(2023 年 11 月,湖北 黄冈)。